Sunday, February 13, 2011

No. Keeping Up Isn't Happenin'!

But I will attempt to tell you what's goin' on.  : )

I'll do this in a way where I can go in order through my classes...
TAG.  The 2nd grade students were testing last week, so I didn't see them, but, the 2 boys,
Isaac and Riley have created a Blog about their favorite animals.  The 2 girls and I have been
checking out cool experiments and decided on several using dry ice!  We also want to create volcanos out of clay and use soda/vinegar/food coloring to make them erupt!  The Kindergarteners are creating props and scenery for our Choral Reading.  The 1st Graders will be creating their own Blogs, but we have yet to start, with the exception of Aiden.

The Art I and Art II students have been creating either mobiles or paper mache pieces.  This week we will finally be glazing our handbuilt clay pieces and pour molded pieces to glaze and fire as well!
  Some will then creating contrastos or collages.  One of the seniors is drawing an oil pastel car.

Photography.  They have just completed their 3D reliefs and will be starting a "List" of items.  They need to shoot three different views of each item, then put 1 of each in a presentation format.

Graphic Design students are learning about careers in Graphic Design.  There is a great website that is aiding in our endeavors.  Hopefully, everyone will see that this is a field that has more depth than they thought about!

Independent students are working on collages, painting old shelving from the old classroom and covering it with photos and draw/painted imagery.

The 2nd grade will hopefully be finishing up their shape mobile this week. 
The 1st grade will finish their Valentine Cards even tho' it's after Valentine's Day.  (Mother Nature kindly created a problem for us, by not allowing class or making it shorter the past few weeks. BAD girl!)
The Kindergarten is learning about warm and cool colors.  I think it's time to get out the tempera paint!  Look out world...!!!

My dancers have been battling illness, but we will be practicing for the 2 Showcases next month.

The Juniors are on their way to a GREAT prom.  Planning is in full swing now for the Masquerade!

Advisory students are expected to start completing an artifact a month (even it if kills them).  They'll thank me in the end.

The website is getting better and better and I haven't done it alone.  Scott Fosseen from the AEA has been my "guru" and when I have a crazy idea, he helps me get it right on the site.  If you haven't seen it go to .  Just a little better than the old one.  : )

Art Show is coming up!  Monday April 18th at a place to be decided.  I'm hoping the college, but we'll see.

That about sums it up, other than we will be having Professional Development on Friday and I hope to get a lot done with Curriculum Manager.  As part of the District Leadership Team I should be setting a better example!  Oy.

Alright.  I can't sign off without saying that I am thoroughly excited to be going to Hawaii in just 11 days!  I'll be accompanying my mother, who is 30 years my senior, but still "has it" and we are going to have some fun!  Maybe I will even attempt surfing (maybe not...I am a realist).  We will be spending time with my daughter and cousins (who she lives with/nannies for).  I'm sure I will eat plenty of pineapple, drink great coffee and see a hula or 2!  Hopefully I will only eat lobster and look like one.

I better hit the hay, here.  I need to be "fresh" for all the kids on Valentine's Day!


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Keeping Up!

Or trying to...
It's just that I now have too many websites to deal with.  Ha.
The new school website is coming along if you want to take a peek.
There are still many inactive links where things need to be loaded or
"connected" so they appear.  There will be more downloadable forms
and documents, but I discovered that many of them must be updated
before we can load them.
The Dance Club has been practicing and will perform their pom routine
Friday February 4th during halftime of the boys game.  They are looking
great and I'm really proud of them.
I had the privilege of taking some of the Large Group Speech team to
Spencer last weekend and really enjoyed their performances.  I hope
everyone gets a chance to see the Choral Reading group.  They wrote their
own script and it's super!
The high school students have been enjoying having clay in the classroom
again.  With the help of Mr. James, we now have a kiln.  Cross your fingers
that all of our hardwork stays intact!  Wedging clay is not a favorite activity
of the kids, but it's SO necessary!  If there's an air bubble in a piece it can
destroy the pieces around it when it "explodes", so cross your fingers.  : )
Because I have updated all my Wikis I will put links to them if you wish
to visit them for information on what's happening in the classroom.
For Elementary Art go to
for Graphic Design go to
for Photography go to
Advisory go to
for Art II go to

Alrighty...back to work on the website.  No rest for the wicked.

As always, I'm here if you need me!  Stop in or call!

df  OUT

Monday, January 3, 2011

Trying To SOT (Stay On Task)!

So, I've really gotten behind in posting to my Blog, but that doesn't mean I've quit teaching or being completely "crazy busy".
I am going to list my classroom Wikis, so you can see exactly what's happening if I don't post here or am not as specific as you might like me to be!  (ha.)
Here they are:
Art II:
Graphic Design:
"General Art Site":
Elementary Art:

I'd also like to invite you what is going to be our new school website:
I am working to get the site up and running and then to have students help with keeping it current and accurate!  So far it's been overwhelming and interesting...special thanks to Scott Foseen at AEA8 for all of his assistance!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Life Is Always Interesting.

Well, another week has almost gone and I'm still playing catch up after being gone last weekend.
Payton had 3 appointments in Iowa City on Monday so that was a LONG day.  We now have him
scheduled to have his dental work done in the OR next Spring after PT Conferences.  Maybe that'll
be enough to explain how that appointment went!  ha!  His majesty will be 13 2 weeks from today
and it's evident.  Daylight savings also creates issues for him as does the full moon.  : )  He'll be coming
to school with me tomorrow morning, as it has been a long time since he has seen our school.  He has
never even seen my new room.  It will be a little "disability awareness" for everyone.

In Elementary Art students in the 2nd Grade finished up their "Halloween Parade" drawings and drawn acrostics about Thanksgiving, with the help of Jan Torkelson, who subbed for me that day.
The First Grade drew from learn to draw books.  We talk alot about how drawing is just lines and shapes put together (and these are 2 of the Elements of Art!).  These books emphasize that fact.  I have photos and hope to get them loaded when I have a free moment.
The Kindergarten talked about and drew b and d words.  It seems like we have a few kids who can't remember which way to print those letters so I decided to find some helpful activities to aid in that process!
We had lots of bats, birds, ducks and dogs the papers.  Hopefully, they'll remember now.

In the HS Art Classes, the Photography students are working on a Photocubism design.  It was due Friday, but because of a variance in activities it will be due on Tuesday.  The Art I students are working on Tessellations and will be able to print or stamp their designs.  The Graphic Design students are working on the various projects on the Wiki, tutorials, and everyone will create a Yearbook (2011) cover design (which we will vote on... in December).  Art Independent:  Kady is creating a large sculpture based on the human body out of scrap mat board.  Knowing Kady it will be not only well done, but VERY interesting when it's complete!  Kristi has begun a charcoal drawing of daisies on black paper.
Heather has finished up her guitar redesign, Gabby has decided to do another version of an assignment from last year's photography class.

The G-T Dancers will have their Camp on Saturday and will learn 2 dances (a pom and a hip hop) choreographed by Laura Fandel, former Captain of the ELC Drill Team, now at University of Minnesota.

The Juniors will work on their prom theme ideas next week, as one has not been decided.
We're also preparing for the upcoming seasons of working in the C-Stand and other Prom preparation.

My advisory hosted it's first "Lunch 'N' Learn" with Gretchen Shipley, an attorney from California who discussed "Ethics In the Digital Age".  Our next session will feature Denise Clabaugh who is Logan's Aunt.  Topic TBA.

I have students who work on things that aren't even enrolled in my classes, and Bailey Clayton is working on something fun that I will share a photo of when completed.  Let's just say that she is going to know the ins and outs of how to paper mache.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Shortened Classes, Shortened Week...

Well, I hope you have been enjoying the beautiful fall weather, and have had fun
cheering on the football team who are battling for their right to the State title it seems!

The Elementary classes continue to work on learning various Art Elements and Principles,
draw (keeping in mind that it's only a series of lines and shapes put together) and occasionally
paint, do a collage or other creation.  The 2nd grade drew pictures of a "Halloween Parade"
showing children in various costumes going down the street.  Something they may have actually
witnesses last weekend!  Next week they will finish those and the "Things I'm Thankful For" acrostic

First graders will discuss Thanksgiving and specifically, turkeys.  What do you know about turkeys?
Why do we eat turkeys on Thanksgiving anyway?  Who was at the first Thanksgiving?  Why did they
give thanks?  We should end up with a fine gobbler to display on the fridge in the end.  I'm sure they
will be colorful!

Kindergarteners will be discussing Pilgrims.  Who were they?  Where did they come from?
What did they look like?  We'll be creating Pilgrims that bare a strong resemblance to ourselves.
We may have to discuss the Native Americans and the role they played in the Pilgrim's lives, but
we'll keep that short and sweet!

The high school students are working on a variety of things:
Art I --Op Art designs, tesselations, with a discussion of M.C. Escher
Photography--Photocubism pieces created by taking multiple pictures of one thing or a "theme" and
putting them together in a sort of collage via Adobe Photoshop (or Illustrator).  We will also talk a little about Pablo Picasso (who co-founded the Cubism Movement).  He was an interesting man...
Graphic Designers--The Wiki has new "hands-on" assignments for those who are getting "antsy" or for when the internet is down and we need to keep everyone on task.    There are always tutorials to try and a grade can be negotiated if you learn from the tutorial and teach it to others!
Independent Artists--Kristi has been taking and editing photos after finishing her pastel piece of cherry blossoms.  Kady has been working on a mosaic piece, and as usual is all about quality and making sure it is precise!  Love that, of course!  Brandon has been doing a lot of tutorials and trying to learn Adobe Illustrator which will help him in his endeavor to be a Graphic Designer oneday.

We have a "groupie" or two, Skye and Baylee.  They continue to produce pieces to suit their mood and will hopefully join a class next semester and get credit for their work!

In my (HS TAG) Advisory we will be hosting our first "Lunch 'N' Learn tomorrow (Wed. Nov. 3).  An attorney from CA (Gretchen Shipley) will be discussing legal issues and ethics in this "digital age" via Skype.
It will be in the library during lunch and advisory.  I'm planning to videotape and keep it handy for future use as well.

The Elementary TAG students are working on creating booklets about themselves which will aid in a direction to take them this year and help them realize that they are different (aren't we all?) in a GOOD way!

I'm looking forward to hosting a Dance Clinic where girls will learn 2 dances on Saturday November 13 from 2:30-4:30 pm here in the G-T gymnasium.  Laura Fandel, former Captain of the ELC Drill Team will be teaching, having choreographed a jazz/hip hop and pom routine.

We will begin planning Prom soon.  Looks like it will another unique theme this year!  I always love that...I'm up for a challenge, for sure!

Next week I take Payton in for a yearly check up with his Neurologist(for his seizures), Pulimonary Specialist (for his asthma), and his and my favorite the dentist (Dr. Burke).  It is never a fun day for either of us...but we endure it to make sure he stays as well as he can!  (Payton turns 13 on the 25th.  Man, how time flies!)

Okey always, you are welcome to stop in and visit whenever you wish.  My door is open (even though it's shut to keep the heat in!).

: )  Have a GREAT week!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Happy Halloween! oooOOhhOOOhhhOOOHhhwwwooohh!

I have my costume, do you?  I know, you're going to say I don't need a costume when I'm scary without.  Very funny.  I found something you might enjoy:
use copy paper to try it.  I love how they have actual photographs.  Usually I have
a very difficult time with this, so that helps!

Well, today, in Elementary Art, we will start with a pictoral version of an acrostic about Thanksgiving with the 2nd
Grade.  I'm kind of excited to see how this works out.  You know, the ideas in my head are often different on paper! ha.

Tomorrow the 1st grade will continue their collages based on Eric Carle's books.

Wed. with the shortened class we won't be going crazy with something extravagant...We will be playing a color game based on fall objects.  It will be interesting to see if they can remember what the primary and secondary colors are!

The Art I gals are going to be working on Op Art pieces.  Based on M. C. Escher, Andy Warhol and other contemporary artists, they will be creating a piece of their choice.

Brandon P is busy learning the intricacies of Adobe Illustrator.  It's really fun to learn from him and for his enthusiasm to "rub off" on some of my afternoon class' students!  Thanks, Brandon!

Kady is still working on creating a painted masterpiece out of an old Apple computer.  It's interesting, to say the least!   She promised me she'd get her "Imitate Picasso" monochromatic pastel piece done this week...Here's Tessa's finished piece:
The idea behind this piece was to mimic Picasso's "Blue Period", but using their choice of subject matter and medium.  This is a more interesting way to learn about art history than the boring slide shows I was shown in College!

The Photography students made it through their first challenge!  Hopefully they gained some knowledge and will apply it to the next challenge:  Things that move!    This was done by posting an album on Facebook and having the student use similar parameters to create their own version and then post it so that we could do a class critique.  Their next project is one called "Photo Cubism" and it's due on November 12th.  If you'd like to see their work go to:

The Graphic Design students have so many options I only added one thing this weekend.  I challenged them with a "real" job.  Redesigning a logo, brochure and business card for a new chiropractor in Estherville.  We'll see who's up for THAT challenge.

Kayla is back from National Convention this week, and I'm sure will have interesting photographs to share and add to the yearbook.

Heather, has been out sick, but will hopefully finish her guitar this week.

To check up on the graphic design students, go to

As for me, I'm preparing for our dance clinic on Nov. 13th, possibly working with the Show Choir, working on my TAG Internship, developing lunch seminars, and learning about Web Design.  You know, the usual.  No rest for the wicked!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Uh oh...

With all the craziness lately I realized I hadn't blogged.  BUT you can always check things out by going to my Wiki .

The weather is so gorgeous lately, that in afternoons if we open the door in my classroom it can be hard to stay focused.  I hope you are enjoying this gift of beautiful weather!

The elementary classes were so fun this week.  Yesterday the kindergartners and I drew people, after I found that they were missing body parts in pictures they were drawing in their classroom.

The first grade watched a video of the book written and illustrated by Eric Carle called "The Quiet Cricket" on YouTube and then used old watercolor pages and drawings to create a collage similar to a page from one of Eric Carle's books.

The Photography students were challenged to take 10 photos similar to ones Mrs. Farnum had posted to an album on Facebook.  They were taken around her home of various items.  The idea is to use the Ten Steps to Better Photography and the Rule of Thirds and "mimic" her album.

The Graphic Design students are beginning to learn Adobe Illustrator.  I posted numerous tutorials and assignments to my Wiki to aide in this endeavor.  Check out our student work on the site: 

Kady is working on creating a masterpiece out of an old Apple Computer in Advanced Art, and in Art I is working on a monochromatic chalk pastel "ala" Picasso.  Tessa is done with her monochromatic oil pastel of a coke can.

Brandon Peyton is really working hard on effects and tools in CS5 and has interesting posts to his page.

Kristi Girres is working on editing photographs she took and Gabby Kerr is creating some very interesting "mice" from old computer mice.

This week I ordered dance tops and poms for the GT Dancers.  Looking forward to seeing what dances Laura, our choreographer, comes up with!

We have begun thinking about the theme for prom (April 30) and will be working on decorating ideas to present at the next meeting.

Well, I'll sign off for now...have a great weekend!